Since Easter is tomorrow and this page on Facebook "Right Wing News" got me goin this morning before I EVEN had my two cups of coffee, and anyone in my life knows THAT is a downright dangerous thing to do, I will blog today about hatred.
It's pretty simple, if you choose to weigh your life and soul down with hatred then hate about a choice not how someone was born.
The Right Wing thing this morning went like this..."If a black man shouldn't have to make a cake for the KKK. Then a Christian shouldn't have to make one for a gay man."
Now, we all can see the logic (not the really stupid obvious logic but the Platonic type logic) is all off here. If the black man doesn't have to bake for the KKK (the hatred group) then the GAY man shouldn't have to bake for the Christians (the hatred group).
Now, the black man cannot choose to be black.
The gay man cannot choose to be gay. (I will hit THAT argument later in the blog..wait for it..wait for it..)
Someone definitely can choose to NOT join the KKK.
And can choose not to be Christian....
At least, the choice is an option for both of those. However, some would argue that if you are born into a KKK family, or a Mormon family, or an Amish family, or a Muslim family, or some Christian families the choice to not join those groups is not your own. You would have to leave everything you know and love to make that choice, including your family. One "choice" problem they share with a gay person.
But it is a choice, nonetheless.
Some gay people I know choose to live straight. This happened all the time when I was growing up in the '60s and '70s. But everyone kinda knew so and so's dad was gay and just never said anything. You never quite heard about this in the lesbian community, those girls were always just "very good at sports", lol. In fact the Christians real problem seems to be with gay MEN. No one really cares about lesbians and I kinda think that is because every straight man has a girl on girl porn tape hidden in the back of their closet. Right? You KNOW YOU DO!! Yup...all us chicks know all about it ain't hidin' nothin' big guy.
This is also the Mormon's "answer" to the "gay problem" - a group called Same Sex Attraction or SSA - TLC had a show called "My husband's not gay" . A very interesting take on it all. They are allowed to look but not touch basically since the "husbands" in the show were all staring at a guy's butt together and going on "camping trips" that the one guys wife said, "NO WAY, remember the last time?" to when her husband announced they were all taking the new SSA member on a camping trip. They choose to lead a straight life so they don't have to lose everything they know and love because they are gay. The church has come out in favor of LGBT rights, kind of, as long as the government leaves them alone in their anti-gay marriage stance. So, all in all, the Mormons are more open than most religions. That said, it ain't much.
Despite all of these apparent choices that the gay community has over the black man, in the end, they are still gay, he is still black, I am still pissed that we hate how people are born.
If you want to hate a choice an adult makes to be Christian say, then go right ahead. Those Christians are evil people telling the world that gays are bad and evil, and lets face it, at one point in history or another the Christians have killed, maimed and raped just about every kind of people in order to turn them Christian. Why do you think it's one of the biggest religions in the world. When they came to your pagan village you became a Christian or ELSE!! They hated the blacks down south using the religion to begin organizations like the KKK, among others. Christianity has begot more horrific hatred in the name of Jesus Christ, a man of peace and love, than any other organization, including the Nazi's Religious views of Adolf Hitler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia or Muslims So, if one chooses to be Christian and you want to hate them, then I get it.
But don't hate a black man, a woman, a gay person. They didn't choose that. According to the Christian Bible, they were made in HIS IMAGE!
Go ahead bake them all a cake! Have a party, get to know one another. Maybe then you will find it harder to hate.
In fact, I think we should all across America, have "CAKE PARTIES" and include Christians who are against serving gays and the gays they don't want to serve. It may start dialogue and understanding. We can call them Marie Antoinette parties!! There ya go, the answer to the LBGT dilemma! That and having that lesbian porn in the closet! :}