Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Hoochie mama sports reporters

Do the women in sports today know how much shit women had to go through to be a sports reporter back in day? Ooooohhh it makes me mad when I see that woman on ESPN Hannah Storm.

First of all, change your damn name...you sound like a stripper. Then you wear go go boots a low cut, short dress and you do NOT look professional. If all the guys around you are wearing suits and you have on a hoochie mama dress it's time to rethink your wardrobe!

Besides, it's sports not the red carpet. If you are in a traditionally male dominated profession, pay attention to yourself. Like it or not you are representing your gender. Do you wanna be noticed for your brain or your bra size. Yes, yes, this is all sexist. But it's how the world works and like it or not how you present yourself matters.

We owe it to those who went before us to make locker rooms accessible for women reporters.

According to, http://slapshot.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/01/21/the-first-woman-through-the-locker-room-door-35-years-ago/?_r=0,

"When the day finally came that she would break down a huge professional barrier, Robin Herman did not have much time to prepare. Herman, then a 23-year-old reporter for The New York Times, had been trying for a year to persuade N.H.L. teams to allow her and other women reporters access to athletes in the postgame locker room when, unexpectedly, the two coaches at the 1975 N.H.L. All-Star Game in Montreal said, yes, female reporters would be given the same access as men.
“Immediately, reporters started asking me, ‘Are you going to do it?'” Herman said. “I had been lobbying for this for a long time, so when the opportunity presented itself, I said I’d better do it.”
So, 35 years ago, Herman and another woman — a Montreal radio reporter, Marcel St. Cyr — gathered with other reporters after the game and walked in to conduct postgame interviews. Except she and St. Cyr instantly became the news and television cameras swung to them. They were believed to be the first women ever admitted to a professional locker room."

I remember when the first women reporters were allowed in a football locker room and guys were walking around naked just to be sexist jerks. So, if you are a woman sports reporter, dress like a reporter. I am not saying to hide your sexuality or anything, just be aware...alot was paid by your predecessors so you could be where you are today, respect that.

Having said all of this if I have to choose between listening to stupid Chris Collinsworth and Hannah Storm with her hoochie mama dress, I would have to go with ...well...Hannah...I can always close my eyes.

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