The recent attacks in Paris and the refugee crisis has brought about a shit storm on social media. Everyone has an idea about how to handle it and if USA should be more involved.
Well I think we should go to the experts for advice. Let's ask some Jewish people how we should help, they certainly world be able to identify with the refugees. Then we can ask the soldiers who liberated the concentration camps what they think.
Move up a war or two and ask those who had to flee from Milosevic in Kosovo in the 90s. The genocide there brought a wonderful group of new Americans to our shore. As I recall many churches sponsored families and helped them find jobs, apartments and food . Ask those people if they were thankful to get away from soldiers stealing their 13 year old daughters from the home and returning them in the morning almost bleeding to death from being raped all night. Ask the soldiers who served there if anything was settled 10 years later. They will say no. And despite that they felt good about doing their jobs, keeping the peace with the UN because they knew humans need to help other humans.
We are defined by our compassion and selflessness. The need to put others above ourselves is what makes us different from most species of animals.
So, let's ask the experts about helping the Syrian refugees. ..Ask them how and how many we should help, if any.
I have no doubt the answer will be to help as many as we can with as much as we can share. Period!
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