This presidential election is one filled with rancor and dissent. The problem is people are voting for the PERSON not what they will fight for or against.
The president has power but the real power lies in the process. When congress submits a bill to the president what will he or she do? Will they fight for or against that bill before it even gets to their desk?
We all need to wonder what programs each candidate will fight for, who are their friends in Washington and how well they understand the political process.
I keep hearing about someone being a career politician and somehow that is bad. Would you hire a cashier to fix your plumbing? Don't you search for the most experienced car repair person you can find? So why do we not want a politician who has made a career of it?
The political process is not straightforward despite what you learn in civics in high school. It is deformed and convoluted at best. You had better be able to work the system if you want to get anything done. You had better be able to bend the rules when necessary cuz everyone else is...then be able to rise above after the consequences.
We really need to fight for the candidates that will fight for the laws and bills and programs that we believe in. Not the person.
The president is more than a person. The president is a representation of all of the people who live in the USA, a representative to the world that says, I am America! I am what America stands for. The person needs to stop being a person and be the President. A person who is put in power by the people and for the people.
So if you don't like Trump the man or Clinton the woman put that aside and look at what issues they are willing to get behind. THEN you will know who to vote for.
Then you will know who you want the world to see as the personification of America.
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