I know people who voted for Trump...good, nice people with hearts of gold who love our country and really want the best for her. And they are not speaking out.
I am very concerned about the :
I have put many questions out on Facebook trying to understand what Trump voters, who told me they were voting against Hilary not FOR Trump, were doing now, given how vocal they were during the election about Hilary and her lies and deceit, about Trump's lies and deceit.
Not a peep. Except one friend from Texas who has the balls to dialogue everyone else is quiet.
This scares me!! We all need to be critical of our elected officials, even the ones we voted for.
THEY work for US! !
I am afraid that Trump supporters are being supportive of EVERYTHING he does so they don't hear from the other side, "Nanenanepoopoo, we were right and you are wrong. "
The, I TOLD YA SO EFFECT is real.
It silences people. And we all need to be LOUD right now. LOUD about what you like and dislike, whether he was your candidate or not he is now OUR president .
We need to create environments where everyone present feels valued and heard and we are losing that because of how obsurdly obvious each side thinks their position is.
Nothing is ever 100 percent in politics. It is give and take, happy mediums. Sometimes unhappy mediums, but mediums nonetheless.
If this discourse and compromise doesn't happen then we are not a democracy. Then we are a kingdom. And THAT is my biggest fear.
So, ease up a little when you're speaking about things you're passionate about so the other person feels safe and open to what you are saying. And listen to one another. ..You both may change your mind a little. ...it's a very democratic thing to do.
Trump supporters will still find a way to blame the "Liberal Media" lol