Tuesday, February 24, 2015

MOM was right and that is all that matters!

"Got to Give It Up" and "Blurred Lines", yea it's a big court case now, but what I wanna tell you is... the first time I heard "Blurred Lines" I told my family, "They ripped off Marvin Gaye!"

My family all said, "NO WAY. Which song?"

They then listened over and over to ole Marvin's song and then proceeded to tell me I was crazy. They even went so far as to call me old and to make fun of how I think people look alike and can't remember my own husband's name sometimes just because ONCE I texted a women I work with and asked her the name of the cat in the book we read in library that day in school. She told me she sat there looking at the text and just started laughing hysterically. Her boyfriend was like, "What the hell is wrong with you?" And she said to him as she texts me, "The cat's name is Pete. Isn't that your husband's name?" 

So I run through every child and grandchild's name until I get to the one I am calling. 

So, yea, I admit, I have called people and asked, "Ya know that time we were at Giant supermarket and that guy in the blue shirt asked me about those purple veggies and it made me think of that great recipe that old lady in NY used to make, ya know the one who lived down the street from Nana, the one who used to walk down the street if someone had strep throat with her flashlight, back in the day when no one called the doctor cuz it cost too much money to go to the doctor...what was I talking about?"

So, yea, I called my daughter, Kaity, who is very musical, for a week straight humming, "da da dada, doo dat doo doo" and explaining that the DJ played it at Amber's wedding and how did she not remember and I know if she just heard the tune enough she would KNOW the song. "Da da dada, doo dat doo doo" come on! "Mom, I don't know!" "YES YOU DO KAITY!" And guess what? She eventually remembered, "At da Club" by Fifty Cents! And now because I relentlessly begged her to remember and then she remembered that is my husband's ring tone on his phone for me when I call him.

Yup, I am saying this court case is all about ME! It is vindication for all the years I have told people things and they don't believe me until someone on TV proves it to them!!


You all have to say it every Sunday dinner for a MONTH! They owe me! Oh, the ridicule, the  humanity.

NOW, about that mixing up people. While it is true I thought the Director of Admissions and the President of the University that my husband worked at were the same man because they were Italian guys who always wore a suit. Thus making important dinners with the bigwigs very difficult for me and my husband because they both would not always be there. If they were side by side I was good. Alone, not so much. 

While it is true that I can describe people head to toe and tell you important things like where they work, how many kids they have and if they have a good soul, I probably cannot tell you their name. 

While all of that is true, it in no way takes away from the fact that .... wait for it....wait for it...

MOM WAS RIGHT!!! They ripped off Marvin Gaye.

And that is all that matters.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Mystery Science Theatre...2015.. Chapelle and Walking Dead

Ok so lately, Comedy Central has been showing old "Chapelle Show" episodes. And of course, we all have been watching them again, cuz they are the funniest satirical comedy to hit TV in the last 20 years.

Well, tonight we had to quit watching Chapelle cuz "Walking Dead" was about to start and we always watch last week's episode 10 minutes before the end so we get into "the dead zone" before the new episode starts.

So, as we are watching all of the humans on walking dead hold the door closed as a zombie tornado is threatening their barn they are holed up in for the night, Pete starts doin' the "Mystery Science Theatre" thing from back in the day, pretending he's Chapelle but doing the play by play like in Mystery Science Theatre.
OMG, I almost peed my pants.

For those of you who don't know, "Mystery Science Theater" was this great show where a guy and his two robots/aliens watch old sci-fi movies and make fun of them. www.club-mst3k.com They even have a club.
Oh my goodness, they were hysterical and Peter and I were addicted.

So, Peter is picturing Chapelle doing the same thing on "Walking Dead" episodes.

My challenge to you is to give me some feedback. Watch an episode describe it and make some Chapelle like smart aleck remarks.

I would love for all of you to to watch "Mystery Science Theater" and "The Chapelle Show" and hit me with your best shot...LOL.

So, have at it....How about takin' on this asshole who smiles when he gets hit. Rick hasn't asked his two questions...and Marchone is turning into a pussy. So, have at it folks.

Tell the truth, for the sake of religious freedoms everywhere...spoiler alert, this one ain't funny

Jesus said, "Tell the truth. The truth shall set you free."

Yet, in today's world, or at least the world that I live in, when one tells the truth one gets judged, yelled at, called names, and sometimes shot at and killed.

I live in a very conservative Christian section of Pennsylvania, where Amish and Mennonite religions have influenced the culture here over the years. I find Mennonites very accepting of other's views of religion for the most part, and if they do not agree they are able to agree to disagree in a peaceful manner. Probably because they have suffered religious persecution themselves. However, I cannot say the same from the outcrop of individual churches influenced mainly by Mennonites that are not affiliated with anyone but themselves nor for many extremely religious people that I know around this area.

This is not to say that the problem is not at epidemic proportions across the world, it is! For much of this discussion, however, I will speak of Christianity.

Why is the Christian religion so unable to change and accept facts of science? The bible says to seek the truth. Yet, when people seek the truth and find out for themselves that: alot of the bible is historically inaccurate at best; or intentionally designed to further the beliefs of a few prominent powerful men to further their personal gain at worst, people become so angry, so hateful.

Let me tell you a story about my 7-year-old granddaughter. She was at school and told a classmate that she didn't think it was possible for God to be Jesus's father because Mary was a human. This classmate called her names and told her she could NEVER play with her again or be her friend. My granddaughter's response was, "Well, I will still be your friend when you're done being mad."

Now, 7-year-olds are not just born thinking this. Someone taught both of these children about religion. Which response sounds more like Jesus?

In a world filled with religion based hatred how can we equate tolerance with "don't say anything because it may upset them." This 7-year-old had the guts to question a very unbelievable scenario and was met with hatred and alienation.

Please read the article in the link below. I consider myself a Spiritual Christian. I view the Bible as a historical book and guide to life. I think Jesus is "the son of God (or goodness)" just like I am a daughter of God (or goodness). I think of communion as a way to connect to my fellow Christian's whether they believe as I do or not. Breaking bread, sharing a meal is extremely important to me as it has throughout history been a way to bring people of all faith or no faith together. I believe that Jesus, Buddah and Mohammed were good and just people trying to make sense of a world that made no sense. They tried to help guide us through to a place of knowledge and enlightenment where we can make our own choices. And EVERY one of them was all about acceptance, about treating others as you wanted to be treated, about letting people learn and maneuver through this life at their own speed. EVERY one of them was peaceful and those people who changed that thinking to benefit and further their own agenda for this world spat in these wonderful loving vessels of goodness's faces.

We have to stop saying it's OK. It is not OK to teach a 7-year-old that you should not be friends with someone who doesn't believe the same as you. It is NOT OK to let someone spew hatred about anything, especially religion, and be quiet.

It doesn't take much. All you need to say is that you believe the founders of the world religions, all of them, to be peaceful, love-filled men and you don't believe they would approve of hatred and walk away.

In this war, the best weapon, by far, is the truth.  Now more than ever, telling the truth counts.  So please, do it." Jeff Taylor

God is goodness in the world. Seek the truth and speak the truth. Stay at your religion, be active and actively and lovingly encourage change from within. Religions are not meant to be 215 years old. They are meant to help you through this life and give you peace.

Your religion was made up by inspired humans much like yourself hundreds of years ago. Be dynamic, make your religious beliefs dynamic, don't let the words of the past bog you down. Start with the idea that God is goodness, not some white man with a beard on a cloud. And Goodness is around you, if you look for it, every day.

I love you all because you are reading this and are seeking truth. Keep having faith that this journey, where ever it leads you, will eventually bring you so much peace and contentment that all of the milestones of painful truths and feelings of being duped and being abandoned by your faith will bring you to a better place in the end. 

Feel free to contact me at anytime if you need to talk about this. It is HARD! And at times you will feel like you are dangling in the wind. But, believe me, it is worth it. 

And always remember, telling the truth counts. 

We must offend religion more: Islam, Christianity and our tolerance for ancient myths, harmful ideas - Salon.com  http://www.salon.com/2015/02/22/we_must_offend_religion_more_islam_christianity_and_our_tolerance_for_ancient_myths_harmful_ideas/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=socialflow

The question of whether Western countries should adapt to Muslim newcomers for the sake of social harmony confronts us with a formidable dilemma, which is, nonetheless, eminently solvable.  Steadfast belief in the inerrancy of religious dogma, coupled with (at times fanatically held) convictions that the dogma’s many mandates are meant to apply to all humanity, clash with principles of secular governance and Enlightenment-era precepts that oblige us, at least ideally, to sort out our problems relying on reason, consensus and law.  (Yes, blasphemy laws still stain legal codes in several Western countries, but for a long time now they have rarely been applied.)  Though many Westerners wish to show tolerance to Muslims they consider disadvantaged in their new homelands, we cannot “adapt” here, especially under threat of violence.  We must unabashedly stand by reason, the rule of law, and secularism.
Those arguing in favor of exercising “restraint” are really advocating (cowardly) self-censorship.  We do enough of this already.  When some “offensive” cartoons are published in Europe and riots break out in the Middle East, the newsworthy images, no matter how relevant, are seldom reproduced in the reporting that follows.  And lest anyone forget, neither the artists of Charlie Hebdo nor Lars Vilks entered local Muslim communities waving around their Muhammad cartoons, bent on stirring up trouble.  They were exercising their professions in their offices, with every legal right to do so.
Should we admit how touchy a subject faith is for Muslims and just leave it alone?  Well, religion is a (far too) sensitive topic for many people, and not only Muslims.  Our enduring deference to all religions, despite their verifiably phony explanations for the origins of the cosmos and our species, to say nothing of their toxic preachments, only furthers their survival.  We need not less but more frank talk about faith.
Concepts of freedom of expression and the laws designed to protect it were born in Europe’s blood-soaked history of interfaith warfare, mostly between Catholics and Protestants.  The (atheistic) French Revolution aimed to “de-Christianize” France in order to smash the (temporal, wealth-based) stranglehold the Catholic Church had on the country.  The Founding Fathers well knew how the state could use religion against the people; hence, the First Amendment safeguards both freedom of speech and freedom of religion by forbidding Congress to enact laws abridging the exercise of either.  The Abrahamic faiths have never been simply matters of conscience; they have always served as weapons to impose control, especially over women and their bodies, sexual minorities and education.  Weapons need to be kept under lock and key, or better yet, eliminated.....
“Now,” she added, “it’s us or them.  I want us to win.”
So do I.  And if you’re honest with yourself, so do you.
In this war, the best weapon, by far, is the truth.  Now more than ever, telling the truth counts.  So please, do it.

Friday, February 20, 2015

When it comes to weddings, the "gays" have it made!

I was just looking at a friends of ours' wedding photo. It is the best wedding photo I have ever seen. It's a photo of a beautiful bride standing in a gorgeous wedding gown holding her decorated soldier spouse in her arms, up in the air, like they are about to cross the threshold. They are both smiling and happy, truly happy, free to be themselves.

Her decorated soldier just happens to be her wife.

We have so many traditions in American, hell let's face it, in the world, surrounding weddings. When I was planning my wedding my mother and future mother in law broke out the book of ettiquette. The bride's family pays for the gown and the reception, including tranportation, and invites. Grooms family pays for flowers, rehearsal dinner which should include all out of town guests. Each member of the wedding party pays for their outfits, which runs into the thousands of dollars. The maid of honor has to foot the bill for the shower and bachelorette party and the best man the bachelor party. The bride and groom have to buy something, a gift, for all of the members of the wedding party. The groom pays for the honeymoon. And by the time I got done with trying to figure out what color toilet paper I wanted in the toilet at my fourth bridal shower, I left home, moved in with Peter six hours away from home and didn't come back until the Friday before my wedding.

Gay couples are finally so lucky. Even if they had former relatives who went underground to get married the question of, or argument about, why Johnny doesn't want to wear grandma's wedding dress is probably NOT brought up.

It's all new, fresh, a blank canvas. If you wanna go all traditional have at it. If you wanna both wear wedding dresses or tuxes have at it. One a gown, one their dress uniform...HAVE THE FUCK AT IT!!!

It's great getting married when you're gay! A new frontier! When your gay and engaged nobody's feelings get hurt because you don't want the groom's family seated on the right and bride's on the left because there are 300 of one side of the family and 30 on the other. Nobody gets into a fight over how you HAVE to turn CATHOLIC if you marry a Catholic and that would break your mother's heart because the Catholic church won't marry you in the first place when you're gay! They may recruit you to be a priest or a nun but they won't marry you!

As an aside... No one from my side took communion at my wedding, despite the priest actually inviting all the non-catholics up for communion - it was Vatican II everyone was open to new and exciting things, yes I am being sarcastic - not one came. So the catholic side of the church had empty pews all taking communion and the protestant side sat there with their hands folded making comments about the priest making cocktails. Hetero weddings are typically very exclusionary. You gays are so lucky the hard core Christians hate you so you don't have to deal with this! Just sayin'.

At the planning of gay weddings nobody says a word because they are all, or at least the old fart stick in the mud's self involved homophobes are all, sitting there with their mouths hanging open. The grandmas either don't come to all the planning "luncheons" or shut up out of fear, ignorance, stupidity or sometimes, sometimes if you are lucky, they shut up because they are being supportive!

By virtue of being out casted and ostracized, hated and maligned for all the history of the world, except maybe the ancient Greeks, the gays have earned the right to make up whatever kind of wedding they want and nobody is gonna say a god damned word! HA! I love it!

Now, my prediction is that the great grandchildren of our friends who wore a wedding gown and a decorated army uniform and all the other wonderful gay couples who are to be married in the next couple of years, my prediction for their great grandchildren is that as Jane and Christina tell their great grandparents about their upcoming nuptials, they will be told, "Well, your grandmother and I had PINK toilet paper in our bathroom at the second shower. It was so beautiful. And, honey it would be great if you, Jane, wore my gown and Christina wore Grandma's Army uniform. IT'S TRADITION, after all!"

But for now, the gays have it made!! :}

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

To my loyal readers...try to comment I think I fixed it...

let me know

The KOCH brothers truly have the biggest balls of them ALL!!

I am sitting here watching the news this morning and looking at Facebook...I hear a Coke commercial, well, what I think is a Coke commercial. I look up when I hear INDUSTRIES and cannot believe what I am seeing!

The KOCH brothers pretty much own and run the whole world. If you have never heard of the Koch Brothers, Charles and David, they are billionaires who use their money to push their agenda, religious beliefs and pretty much do what they want...Here are some of the things they have been accused of over the years:
  • Efforts to gut Social Security. Spending more than $28 million, the Kochs have funded hundreds of reports, commentaries and books which popularized the notion that Social Security is on the brink of collapse.
  • Attempts at re-segregation. The film ("Koch Brothers Exposed" by Robert Greenwald) reports on Koch-funded efforts to remake a North Carolina school district’s diversity policy, in effect re-segregating the schools.[10]
  • Voter Suppression. Koch money has supported voter ID laws in 38 states.[11] These laws are billed as a way to avoid voter fraud, but the film argues that they are actually intended to make it more difficult for Democrats to vote.[1]
  • Keystone XL. The Kochs use their influence to sway legislation regarding the Keystone XL pipeline. Koch Industries has a significant financial interest in this oil and gas project.[10]
  • Cancer in Crosset. A Koch paper plant pollutes the air and water of a community in Arkansas. The film explores a link with a cancer cluster in the small African-American community.[12]
  • Higher Education. The Kochs give millions of dollars to universities, with the stipulation that the schools must hire Koch-sympathetic professors.[10]                                                                                  An opening introductory profile, in the film "The Koch Brothers Exposed", on the Koch brothers claims that their inherited wealth was built by their father Fred Koch, a founder of the John Birch Society, by working for Joseph Stalin, and has been used to “wage a systematic attack on American values” and “defining the lives of ordinary American under the radar for over 50 years.” according to Wikipedia's overview of the film.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             I think I must confess I am bit prejudice against the Koch brothers. I feel anyone who probably have lunch with Dick Cheney and "W" on a regular basis, which for me puts them on my enemy list just by association. I have always told my kids, "You are who your friends are." That is a nefarious group right there, if you ask me.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
  • So, given the fact that they have lived under the radar for all these years, secretly manipulating our world, the fact that they now have the kahunas to have a PR commercial telling us how great they are and how just about everything we use comes from the KOCH EMPIRE, scares the ever lovin' shit outa me!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     You all really need to read up on these fellas. Colleges have to hire Koch sympathetic professors. Presidents and congressmen take their call, immediately! Horrific things happen and they get slaps on the wrists...but according to the commercial, we are all damn lucky to have them and their products in our world.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    And they totally need to go see a proctologist about those balls cuz they truly have the BIGGEST  BALLS OF THEM ALL!                                                                             

Friday, February 13, 2015

Jane You Ignorant SLUT

Saturday Night Live will celebrate 40 years this Saturday. For those of you who only remember SNL of the '80s, forget all you have seen and look up the first ten yrs. on YOU TUBE.

When we were in our teens living in NY where the drinking age was 18 and everyone could go to bars at 16 because you had paper driving licenses and could erase the year you were born very easily and get into the bar (especially if you were a pretty girl), everyone went OUT to watch SNL on Saturday night!

Imagine being in a bar filled with people talking, laughing, listening to the music and then at 11:30 a hush falls over the place and all eyes turn to the TV. Usually there was only one TV in the bar. You would all squish together to see, listening intently to geniuses twisting and twining everyday events into humor so all of us could take the social and political upheaval known as the '70s with a grain of salt for that moment and not commit mass suicide at the unending barrage of shaninighans, lies and buffunery coming out of Washington DC at the time; not to mention the civil rights movement, ecology movement, anti-nuke movement, women's rights movement, war on drugs, Vietnam War, (the DRAFT alone would put anyone in their right mind over the edge having to watch the numbers cross the bottom of the TV screen every single fucking night during the news to see who you knew was going to have to go get killed or fucked up by the stupid war...).

We were a generation of people who were not going to let "the man" push them around anymore. We were long haired hippy freaks who didn't like signs, at least that's what the song said. But what we were mostly was a generation of young people who really really cared and were willing, at a very young age, to put our "sit ins" where our mouths were! We were ripe and ready for change!!

We went to college and protested injustice...ALOT!

So, when SNL started making fun of everything we all took so seriously it was a welcome break. Gilda Radner, doing Emily Litella and her editorials about "Russian Jewelry" (Jewry), the "deaf penalty", "endangered feces"...the list goes on...always wrong, Jane Curtain, the news anchor, correcting her and telling her how stupid she was. Emily Litella, the little old women in the dress and horned rimmed glasses, would say, "Nevermind" then BITCH under her breath. This whole skit was a mock of the fairness doctrine, which at the time said TV had to present opposing views on all issues.

Then there was John Belushi and the "Killer Bees" skit. They were poking fun at the Illegal Alien issue way back then.  Yes, still in the news today. BTW the killer bees were Mexican..get it? They came into people's homes bearing knives in their teeth, trying to steal honey...yup...nothing was sacred.

Or how about the "Olympia Restaurant" skits, "Cheeseburger cheeseburger coke, no pepsi" ....you figure that one out. Even Mr. Roger's Neighborhood wasn't safe from the satire. Eddie Murphy changed the children's show into a bleak peek into American Ghettos.

But my very favorite all time, yes I said all time!! skit was Weekend Update, Point Counterpoint, with Jane Curtain and Dan Ackroyd talking about Lee Marvin vs. Michelle Triola's divorce. YOU HAVE TO YOU TUBE IT!! Point Counterpoint: Lee Marvin and Michelle Triola | Saturday Night Live - Yahoo Screen

Thank you so much SNL for making the political tornado that was the '70s bearable and, as they said every Saturday Night after the news, " Goodnight and have a pleasant tomorrow!"

PS. With a few exceptions the SNL of the mid to late '80s should be erased from memory forever, just sayin'. Not funny, not challenging, not risky, not ...just not.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

I find death so underwhelming and Robin Williams was right.

I find death so underwhelming it gets me in trouble some times. Let me preface this post with the fact that my father died when I was 27, mom - I was 40. My grandparents were dead most of my life because I was a change of life baby. My mother's mom died when she, my mother, was in her early 20s and since my mother was an only child and had to care for her during the depression her whole teen years, she spent most of my life warning me about death in good and bad ways. So, I have this good/futted up view on death.

So, I have said for a very long time that heaven is when you get to be done. This was partly due to my mom's version of it...like life is hell, there is no fire type hell, and when you die you are lucky to be rid of this place. My version since all my life I was obsessed with studying religions...is a little more Zen.

Yes, I admit it, even freshman year of college I took courses about religion with all the preacher wanna be's. I actually thought about being a nun once when I was a teen but for very practical reasons, someone would take care of you all your life, you really didn't have to work that hard and I could be sequestered and write all the time...of course, there was a problem because I wasn't Catholic and talked alot...but I digress...

I was obsessed with studying religions and when I came across Buddhism and reincarnation I was facinated. But coming back as a bug was a little much for me...enter Earth worshipping religions like Wikkan and Native American cultures...add in a little Christianity and life experience and you have, ta daaaaaaaaaah....

Teena's version of the cycle of life!!

Which I thought I made up because I never heard anyone else think like that...then i saw, "What Dreams May Come" and I sat the whole movie with my mouth hanging open because it was EXACTLY what I had made up! Even Peter said, "Hey Teena, isn't this what you made up."

I thought how did the writer of this show and Robin Williams know what I made up????

Light bulb moment, it really IS how the cycle of life is or how could OTHER PEOPLE KNOW IT???

I became obsessed with Zen and read Suzuki's book, "Zen Mind, Beginners Mind" non stop for ten years to try to understand it. I started practicing meditation daily and refocused my life to keeping myself centered so I could calmly understand others.

I believe in soul mates. Not, just one, I have many. People you meet and just "know" them. My husband is my soul mate. The night we met at a bar he gave me his father's 24 karat gold necklace with a medal on it that said, "remember mama" on the back. He wore it during WWII as a 19 year old kid, his dad, and gave it to Peter. The night he met, April 5th, we talked and talked, he save me from an asshole who was grabbing my ass and the next morning (get your mind out of the gutter, bars stay open until 5 am in NY) in the parking lot of the Electric Grinch bar in Schenectady, NY on April 6th, 1980, Easter Sunday,  my soul mate gave me that necklace.

I thought he was fucking crazy when I figured out it was real ! Men had made me a little jaded at them time. But soul mates are real.  Just like Robin William's character in that movie...you cannot give 50/50 you have to give 100/100 % to make it work. You're all in or your not. Soul mates are all in.

That is why death is so underwhelming. It's not YOU! It's just a body, just a shell, when it dies you either get to come back or stay in a beautiful place in your mind or you are done learning your lessons here on earth and you just get to let your soul be free.

I know in my heart that we are here to learn lessons. People are put in our lives to teach us, to guide us, to open our eyes. Children die for that reason, special needs kids are here for that reason. If we aren't paying attention when they are here, if we don't learn from them, we have to come back.

Those souls must go back to heaven and say, "Dumb shit, I tried to help them see the truth and NOTHIN'."

"Poor me my kid died, poor me my husband died, poor me my parent died, poor me...blah blah blah" All of those people and experiences were put in your life to teach you something...LUCKY YOU!!!

Lucky you, your child died and now you can help other parents and YOU appreciate life more.
Lucky you, your husband died and you actually got to meet and be together so you know true love.
LUCKY YOU for every damn experience in your life.

Because, death is so UNDERwhelming! Life is the hard part if you are paying attention.