Tuesday, February 24, 2015

MOM was right and that is all that matters!

"Got to Give It Up" and "Blurred Lines", yea it's a big court case now, but what I wanna tell you is... the first time I heard "Blurred Lines" I told my family, "They ripped off Marvin Gaye!"

My family all said, "NO WAY. Which song?"

They then listened over and over to ole Marvin's song and then proceeded to tell me I was crazy. They even went so far as to call me old and to make fun of how I think people look alike and can't remember my own husband's name sometimes just because ONCE I texted a women I work with and asked her the name of the cat in the book we read in library that day in school. She told me she sat there looking at the text and just started laughing hysterically. Her boyfriend was like, "What the hell is wrong with you?" And she said to him as she texts me, "The cat's name is Pete. Isn't that your husband's name?" 

So I run through every child and grandchild's name until I get to the one I am calling. 

So, yea, I admit, I have called people and asked, "Ya know that time we were at Giant supermarket and that guy in the blue shirt asked me about those purple veggies and it made me think of that great recipe that old lady in NY used to make, ya know the one who lived down the street from Nana, the one who used to walk down the street if someone had strep throat with her flashlight, back in the day when no one called the doctor cuz it cost too much money to go to the doctor...what was I talking about?"

So, yea, I called my daughter, Kaity, who is very musical, for a week straight humming, "da da dada, doo dat doo doo" and explaining that the DJ played it at Amber's wedding and how did she not remember and I know if she just heard the tune enough she would KNOW the song. "Da da dada, doo dat doo doo" come on! "Mom, I don't know!" "YES YOU DO KAITY!" And guess what? She eventually remembered, "At da Club" by Fifty Cents! And now because I relentlessly begged her to remember and then she remembered that is my husband's ring tone on his phone for me when I call him.

Yup, I am saying this court case is all about ME! It is vindication for all the years I have told people things and they don't believe me until someone on TV proves it to them!!


You all have to say it every Sunday dinner for a MONTH! They owe me! Oh, the ridicule, the  humanity.

NOW, about that mixing up people. While it is true I thought the Director of Admissions and the President of the University that my husband worked at were the same man because they were Italian guys who always wore a suit. Thus making important dinners with the bigwigs very difficult for me and my husband because they both would not always be there. If they were side by side I was good. Alone, not so much. 

While it is true that I can describe people head to toe and tell you important things like where they work, how many kids they have and if they have a good soul, I probably cannot tell you their name. 

While all of that is true, it in no way takes away from the fact that .... wait for it....wait for it...

MOM WAS RIGHT!!! They ripped off Marvin Gaye.

And that is all that matters.

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