Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Baby names

Ok,  so I just heard that this big sports figure had a little girl.  His wife had her in the bath tub or something and he delivered her waiting for the ambulance. ..which is very cool!

But my problem is they named her some long ass name Jr. ...AFTER THE DAD! 

If you are gonna name a little girl Jr. Name her after the mom. She did all the work!  I get it, pretty much everyone knows their mom and not every one knows their dad.  Which keeps Maury Povich in business, but I digress.

Daddy is rich and famous and every one will know who she belongs to...the problem lies in the fact that people copy celebrities! 

Now all these poor little girls will be named after their broke ass, good for nothin daddy and will not be able to deny them when they fuck up AGAIN, and you know they will,  and end up in jail or borrowing money from their grandma on social security, or moochin food off the poor bag lady.

Hey ain't that yo daddy?
No, no that ain't my daddy.  I never seen him before.
But ain't yo name. ...Rick James Jr?
Ok, ok that's my daddy

See...it's a helluva thing to saddle a little girl with. ..women have enough to deal with in life without be named after their daddy!

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