Sunday, March 15, 2015

Her real name is Ella

A disclaimer: This is tongue in cheek, funny, satire, it in no way is meant to offend and if you were offended please PM me so we can discuss. 

Two of my granddaughters went to see the movie Cinderella yesterday and when I asked the seven-year-old how the movie was she said, "Did you know her real name is Ella?"

And that is what the point of the movie should be in opinion. This chick has no balls. I haven't seen the new movie but the original version shows a young women, old enough to marry apparently, who lets everybody walk all over her. She can't do a goddamned thing for herself. And anyone with a brain could say this points to a diagnosis...but I will get to that later. It is a very complex historical documentary about women, this Cinderella movie, so put on your seat belts.

Of course, the story takes place in an era when women had no rights and were owned by men. The step mom is a genius in how she works the system and she gets no credit at all! In fact she is seen as a bad person. 

She marries a rich guy, canoodling and bamboozleing him into marriage, even though she is a single mom with two kids. And the kids are not even boys! I mean all the guys back then wanted a male heir; so a guy with a dead wife and a baby girl would NOT be lookin' for a kinda ugly chick with two girls. So, step mom really had her act together with how to play the game of the times. Marry a rich guy, he dies, don't marry again so you get his money and can actually own your own property. Then get your girls to marry royalty and you have it made!

But then there is the little glitch of his daughter...she is kind of a pussy and her name is Ella. She talks to birds and isn't all that smart. She can barely make a decision for herself. I am kinda thinkin' special needs here. So, you get her into a "life skills class" with the cook and housekeeper. Which she excels at, except for getting distracted by those birds and mice all the time. ANNNNNNNND, she thinks they talk to her.

Ok, so here is another little tidbit of history...special needs people were killed back in the day. So, this step mom is really good here and puts her in the attic when company comes over so no one figures out she is special needs or if they know she is, they figure it's kinda like Jane Eyre and since step mom has the big bucks to keep their "not quite right" daughter in the attic...good for them!

Old Ella having special needs, even if they are environmental,  may also explains why the dead father took any woman he could get, even if she was ugly and had two girls and no male heir. Just sayin'.

So, back to the story of the greatest most caring, dare I say brilliant bitch, step mom in history... the girl, not only was slow but probably had some mental illness issues going on because she starts seeing fairies and thinking they are REAL!

Yup, ole Ella, who lives by the Cinders, hallucinates a fairy to make her dreams come true, out in the garden, talking to the air, and mice, and birds who are all talking back to HER just as the palace guy comes to the house with the invite to the ball! (Not really good for the Jane Eyre plan to keep her from being killed by the guys in the white coats.)

As we all know some people with special needs can be very stubborn and insistant. So, despite mom telling Ella she really can't handle the ball. There will be lots of noise and lights and people, Ella decides to go. Step mom cannot hire a Personal Care Aide for Ella and has to lock her in the attic. On the way up the stairs, Ella's dress get ripped. It's a nightmare.

Then just as step mom of the century is setting her girls up to be royalty so they can all have a better life, special needs Ella almost ruins it all...and then, just when step mom thinks she can breath, Ella shows up at the ball with glass on her feet. Now, who the hell would wear glass on your feet. Step mom is scared out of her mind, "OMG, they are going to send her to the mental hospital or worse!"

So, she pulls her into one of the ladies' rooms and puts her in her own dress so she can sneak her out of the palace unnoticed, but the damn prince has a foot fetish and sees this chick with glass on her feet and makes his guards bring her to him so he can dance with her in those glass shoes. The whole time he's thinkin', "DAMN girl, you are hot bein' able to dance with those shards of glass cutting into those feet. I gotta have you!"

But her feet start hurting from the glass and she freaks out cuz she cannot find her awesome step mom, so ole Ella ... she freaks and starts hallucinating again. The "fairy" tells her to leave and leave now! So, she starts running and loses a shoe. She gets outside and has no way to get home, step mom has left, given up, tired of trying to help Ella. She has to walk all the way! She is freaking out, hiding in bushes and stuff cuz the guards are trying to find her. Scared out of her mind!

So, she gets home and step mom of the year, cleans her up and sends her up to her attic to hide so she doesn't get put in the nut house or killed. 

Princey poo with a fetish isn't too smart himself, what with all the in-breeding that went on back then amongst royalty, and insists that the crazy girl with the shoes is the ONLY girl he will marry. The king sighs and says to himself, "No other kingdom will let their intelligent or even semi normal princess marry this dick of a son of mine, so what the hell." (Think Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles...yup, she thought the same thing.)

So, the soldiers show up at the door. Now, since the ball incident, step mom has been telling our girl Ella her name is now Cinderella and makes her say it a hundred times, "My name is Cinderella and I am the housekeeper. My parents abandoned me in the woods because I was special needs and this nice woman took me in." 

Step mom opens the door, scared out of her mind that they will take Ella and either kill her or put her in a nut house. But stupid "Cinderella" starts hearing things again and the mice tell her to go downstairs. She shows up, jams her foot into that painful glass slipper and is whisked away to live a life of a royal princess, doing her husband's sexually fucked up bidding for all of eternity.

Some chicks are such ingrates. 

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