Saturday, January 17, 2015

According to the bible...You're being watched by sex addicted aliens. Help me with the questionaire to decide if you are related to one.

We were watching Ancient Aliens the other night on History channel and the evidence is so overwhelming that aliens have been on this earth forever and are still here watching us it is crazy. The show starts it's systematic proof of this with the BIBLE! But there are stories of the "Watchers" across cultures and centuries. Basically, the story is a bunch of angels fell from God's graces and came to earth to have a orgy with the humans. They are suppose to hang out and help us and watch over us but they find some human chicks and dudes that are so HOT they can't help themselves. They had a bunch of kids and the half breeds are here watching us and reporting to the "higher ups" about our progress and stepping in when necessary. Guardian angels, alien decide.

According to the website , "“In those days, when the children of man had multiplied, it happened that there were born unto them handsome and beautiful daughters. And the angels, the children of heaven , saw them and desired them; and they said to one another, ‘Come, let us choose wives for ourselves from among the daughters of man and beget us children.’ And Semyaz, being their leader, said unto them,’I fear that perhaps you will not consent that this deed should be done, and I alone will become (responsible) for this great sin.’ But they all responded to him, ‘Let us all swear an oath and bind everyone among us by a curse not to abandon this suggestion but to do the deed.’ Then they all swore together and bound one another by (the curse) And they were altogether two hundred;” – 1 Enoch 6:1-7

"The Book of Jubilees gives another account of how the Watchers fell that is similar to 1 Enoch. It explains that the Watchers originally descended to the earth to teach mankind and do what is just, but they ‘sinned with the daughters of men because these had begun to mix with earthly women so that they became defiled.’ (Jubilees 4:22)"

So, Ancient Aliens posits that these angels were really aliens sent here to watch over us who couldn't keep it in their pants.

Talk about mixed marriage...geesh!

The bigger picture is THIS...Assuming this is true it suggests that some of us are descendants of really horny rapist aliens and for me THAT EXPLAINS ALOT!

All of you who have never been quite right, never fit in; who have always felt like you were on
"THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN" or "WATCHING" life...well now, do I have news for you!

You know that DNA test that tells you your ancestral heritage...umm...well...I wouldn't waste my money cuz that DNA connection ain't happenin'.

So, some of us are related to aliens. What does this mean to you? How can you find out if you are one of the watchers or worse MARRIED to a watcher and your kids are half breeds?

Knowing all of you who follow me...I would imagine we could come up with some pretty interested questions to ask on a questionnaire to decide who is and who isn't a watcher.

Leave a comment here with a couple questions YOU think would ferret out our alien ancestor relatives and let's see where this takes us. I will post the questionnaire in its entirety in another post.

Happy HUNTING, but remember they are WATCHING YOU!!

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